
The longest castle in the Europe

This wonderful castle lies on a narrow ridge between the river Salzach and the lake Wöhrsee.The gothic castle comprises the main castle with the inner courtyard and five outer courtyards.

The first outer courtyard protected the main castle and also included the stables, the brewery and the bakery. The second courtyard houses the large Arsenal building (1420) and the gunsmith's tower. This yard is protected by the dominant Saint George's Gate (1494). The Grain Tower and the Grain Measure Tower were used for stabling and to store animal food; they belong to the third courtyard. The main sight of the fourth courtyard is the late Gothic outer Chapel of St. Hedwig (1479–1489). The court officials and craftsmen worked and lived in the fifth courtyard, which was once protected by a strong fortification. In 1800 this fortification was destroyed by the French under Michel Ney.Due to its towers, ditches, drawbridges and it is still a magnificent monument of medieval construction of buildings.

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